Wednesday 6 April 2016

Initial Film Ideas


  • A boy is home alone, takes a nap till 9 pm. He wakes up and hears a noise downstairs, he makes his way downstairs slowly to investigate, and the intro ends when the boy makes contact the 'thing' in his house.
  • A mysterious figure is getting dressed for an encounter with another mysterious character, in which they will exchange items then leave each other in opposite directions.
  • A child is re-telling a incident to his friend, and we go back to a flashback of the incident where the boy was robbed but 'something' had stopped the robber, a figure the boy did not see. The intro ends returning to the present moment of the boy and friend.
  • Young teenager is leaving a long hour detention after school and as he makes his way out of school, he hears a scream in the toilets. He investigates to find a dead body of one of the students, the boy analyses the murdered  student but as he does he gets blood on his hands. It now looks like the boy was the murder, and he panics trying to wash the blood of his hands and the intro ends when a teacher sees him and panics assuming he was the murderer.

Considering the following plots for my initial ideas the following props I have suggested would fit the scene.

  • Masks
  • Guns (toy)
  • Alarm clocks
  • Hoods
  • Knives
  • phones
These props would add to the realism of our plot, making our production more effective and believable. They also fit the conventions of a thriller as you would find these props in many films and TV series.


As my group and most of the students in school are teenagers, our characters are bound to me fairly young unless we get external people. However the characters that follow my plot are anonymous figures and contain lots of ambiguity to make the production contain more fear. E,g, the robber will have his face covered up as he doesn't want to be identified. Whereas the mysterious character in the house wont be seen on camera to build up tension and fear.

Target audience:

My target audience will be a young but maturer audience. I think the short intro will appeal more to this type of audience. Age range would be between 16-30 as its where interest of my plots may lie. After feedback from a survey I produce, I will be able to precisely identify the preferences of specific age groups.


  • School
  • Homes
  •  Alleys or pathways
  •  Streets
These locations would be ideal as they are easily accessible and are very effective locations to film a thriller. Dark low-key lighting would work best to create more tension and filming in these locations at night would make it much better. 

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