Monday 11 April 2016

Film Pitch feedback

QUESTION 1 Does the overall idea sound achievable?Have the group clearly laid out the treatment to make the film sound interesting?MARK - 9/10

FEEDBACK very clear and structured well and logically, excellent idea.

What will people identify with in particular? - teenager
What will the protagonist struggle with? - he is a good guy?

RESPONSE With our main character being teenager. People who have lived their teenage years and are teenagers will be able to relate closely with our characters struggle. With his loss at his age it will make more of a bond with our audience creating more tension as they follow our characters story.

QUESTION 2 How well does the idea fit the genre?Have the group explained generic conventions they will use?Is there evidence of theoretical analysis? MARK 9/10

FEEDBACK Excellent references to the Birds, and very accurate use of generic break of conventions.
How will you demonstrate the psychological state of the protagonist?

RESPONSE Our main character will undergo a series of flashbacks and hallucinations throughout our film which tells a back story his relationship of his brother and how his death came to be. This hallucinations will be purely caused by our characters confusion, fear and anger for the circumstances he is now in and these will help him make sense of what really happened, and by going through this journey it will help him cure his own psychological situation.

QUESTION  Have the group clearly stated an appropriate target audience for their film? Have they taken into account BBFC age ratings?Have they justified targeting of this audience? MARK-8/10

FEEDBACK 18-35 - reasons  for classification? Explicit content? Give details.

RESPONSE  As our film will contain scenes of violence with blood, and deep psychological horrors, the minimum age being 18 is when you become an adult so you are old enough to view this content but also, you will enjoy the plot and story line. I have chosen  35 for the highest age as i think beyond this and the film wont lie in interest. As our protagonist is a teenage boy who undergoes a series of conflicts and tells his story, i feel an audience after 35 will lack interest in following this journey as this type of film leaves their taste.

QUESTION Have they clearly understood that they are constructing a representation of a group of people? Have they commented on whether they are reinforcing or opposing the dominant ideology surrounding that social group?

FEEDBACK Youth vs experience is a great binary opposite.Play on this!! Silver, developed to a very high degree with lots of thought, which would be even better with further development. Silver hair? Teeth? Slick or crusty?Consider further representation of Olivia? Strong and reliable?

RESPONSE To make our character Silver more effective and contrasting from the typical ideology we have represented her as a very slick and flush character with silver hair and white teeth. She contrasts her surroundings of destruction and conflict and carries a very humble personality. Olivia is our next character who contrasts representation of women, usually being seen as vulnerable and in need of protection, Olivia is able to hold her own and carry her self with confidence throughout the film.

QUESTION Have the group clearly referenced their influences? Have the group displayed a clear understanding of industry trends? Have the group considered a realistic budget?MARK-9/10

FEEDBACK Future earnings considered. Good consideration of influences. Bourne identity becomes quite complex.
Good call for young cast - this is becoming key. Can you integrate one big actor?

RESPONSE we will be unable to hire any character of fame.

QUESTION Did the group present their ideas in an interesting and interactive way?

FEEDBACK Very good, well presented and confident.

A great idea, clearly thought through and well planned. You have done some excellent research into films of the same genre. Make sure, if you are taking a Hitchcock angle, that the angle is appropriate.

52/60 Grade A

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