Friday 8 April 2016

Target audience

Considering our chosen genre is a mystery/psychological thriller, we researched into statistics which would give us valid results that would help, or give us guidelines as to what audience we should aim our production at.

Using (You gov.UK/Profiles Lite) a secondary source, i analyzed survey results to draw conclusions of what type of audience viewed mystery/psychological thrillers. I looked up the results from popular movies in this genre to generate an overall answer for the type of people we aim to make our movie for. This website from good as the results focused on people in the UK. Although this means it was subjective, it was useful as this was our main audience.

  • Lower to upper class
  •  Males
  • Ages 55+
  • More left-wing
  • Enjoy reading more non-fiction
  • Has over £1000 monthly spare


  •  Males
  • Ages 25-39
  • Upper to lower class viewers
  • Very left-wing viewers
  • Enjoys going to the cinema and playing scrabble
  • £125-499 monthly spare
Gone girl(2014)
  • Females
  • Ages 25-39
  • Middle to lower class
  • Very left-wing
  • £500-900 monthly spare. 
These results collected will help influence my decision as to what audience we aim our film at. Although some things such as monthly spare or political side may seem a little arbitrary, it does give us depiction of what kind of people view these movies and give us insight in their interests and what they may like. Furthermore we will combine this data with other results from our other sources of secondary research, to formulate a solid conclusion as sample sizes weren't that large, and they can disrupt the general view.

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